All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


createToolTipView(). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Creates a View for tooltip.
createToolTipWindow(View). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Creates an InternalWindow for tooltip using the given toolTipView.


didProcessEvent(Event). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IApplication
Overridden to handle tooltips.
dismissDelay. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
The delay before the current tooltip is dismissed if the mouse pointer does not move.


enabled. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Set to true if this IToolTipManager is enabled.


getDismissDelay(). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Returns the current dismiss delay in microseconds.
getInitialDelay(). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Returns current initial delay in microseconds.
getReshowDelay(). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Returns the reshow delay in microseconds.
getTipText(). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTip
Returns the text for this tooltip.
getToolTip(View). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Returns the IToolTip registered for the view.
getToolTipManager(). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IApplication
Returns the IToolTipManager for this IApplication.
getToolTipManager(). Static method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTip
Retrieves the IToolTipManager attached to the current Application.
getToolTipText(IToolTip, MouseEvent). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Returns dynamic tooltip text for an IToolTipSource.
getToolTipText(MouseEvent). Method in interface com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipSource
getView(). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTip
Returns the View for this tooltip.


hideToolTip(). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Hides the tooltip window.


IApplication(). Constructor for class com.micronova.mnfc.IApplication
Constructs an IApplication with default IToolTipManager.
initialDelay. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
The delay before which a tooltip will appear after the mouse enters a tooltip view.
isEnabled(). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Returns true if this tooltip manager is enabled.
isToolTipSource. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Set to true if the View under the mouse pointer is an instance of IToolTipSource (for dynamic tooltip).
IToolTip(). Constructor for class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTip
Constructs an empty IToolTip.
IToolTip(View, String). Constructor for class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTip
Constructs an IToolTip for a given View and a tipText string.
IToolTipManager(). Constructor for class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Constructs an IToolTipManager.


maxRows. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Maximal number of text rows.
mouseEntered(View, MouseEvent). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Called when the mouse enters a tooltip view.
mouseEvent. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Current MouseEvent.
mouseExited(View, MouseEvent). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Called when the mouse exists a tooltip view.
mouseMoved(View, MouseEvent). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Called when the mouse is moved within a tooltip view.


performCommand(String, Object). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Overridden to handle timer events.
prepareToolTip(IToolTip). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Prepares tooltip to be shown.


registerToolTip(IToolTip). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Registers an IToolTip.
registerToolTip(View, String). Static method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTip
Registers a tooltip for a view (with the IToolTipManager for the current application, if one is available).
registerToolTip(View, String). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Registers a tooltip 'toolTipText' for a 'view'.
reshowDelay. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
The delay within which a tooltip will be reshown at once if the mouse pointer exits and enters another tooltip view.


setDismissDelay(int). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Sets the dismiss delay in microseconds.
setEnabled(boolean). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Enables/disables this tooltip manager.
setInitialDelay(int). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Sets the initial delay in microseconds.
setReshowDelay(int). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Sets the reshow delay in microseconds.
setTipText(String). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTip
Sets the text for this tooltip.
setToolTipManager(IToolTipManager). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IApplication
Sets the IToolTipManager.
setView(View). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTip
Sets the View for this tooltip.
showToolTip(IToolTip). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Shows the tooltip window.
startTimer(int). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Starts the delay timer.
state. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Current state.
STATE_IDLE. Static variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Idle state (the mouse is not in any tooltip view).
STATE_INITWAIT. Static variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
The Mouse has entered a tooltip view and waiting for initialDelay timer.
STATE_RESHOWWAIT. Static variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
The mouse has exited a tooltip view and waiting for reshowDelay timer.
STATE_TIPDISMISSED. Static variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
The tooltip is dismissed but the mouse is still inside the tooltip view.
STATE_TIPSHOWN. Static variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
The tooltip is shown and waiting for dismissDelay timer.
stopTimer(). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Stops the delay timer if running.


table. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Holds registered IToolTips.
TIMER. Static variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Delay timer command.
timer. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Delay timer.
timerUp(). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Called when the delay timer expires.
toolTip. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
IToolTip to be displayed.
toolTipBackgroundColor. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Default TextView background color.
toolTipBorder. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Default tooltip border.
toolTipEntered(View, MouseEvent). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Called when the mouse enters a tooltip area of a view.
toolTipExited(View, MouseEvent). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Called when the mouse exits the tooltip area of the view.
toolTipFont. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Default TextView font.
toolTipForegroundColor. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Default TextView foreground color.
toolTipView. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Default TextView that displays tooltip text.
toolTipWindow. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
InternalWindow that displays tooltip.
toolTipWindowLayer. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
InternalWindow layer for the tooltip window.
toolTipWindowWidth. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Default tooltip window width.


unregisterToolTip(IToolTip). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Unregisters an IToolTip.
unregisterToolTip(View). Static method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTip
Unregisters a tooltip for a view (with the IToolTipManager for the current application, if one is available).
unregisterToolTip(View). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Unregisters tooltip for a view.
unregisterToolTipForDescendents(View). Static method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTip
Unregisters tooltips for the given view and all its descendents (with the IToolTipManager for the current application, if one is available).
unregisterToolTipForDescendents(View). Method in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Unregisters tooltips for all descendents of the given view (including the view itself).


view. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Current View under mouse pointer.


xOffset. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
X-offset from the mouse pointer for the tooltip window.


yOffset. Variable in class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager
Y-offset from the mouse pointer for the tooltip window.