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Class com.micronova.mnfc.IToolTipManager


public class IToolTipManager
extends Object
implements Target
IToolTipManager manages tooltips. Typically an IToolTipManager is attached to an IApplication.

Makoto Nagata, MicroNova

Variable Index

 o dismissDelay
The delay before the current tooltip is dismissed if the mouse pointer does not move.
 o enabled
Set to true if this IToolTipManager is enabled.
 o initialDelay
The delay before which a tooltip will appear after the mouse enters a tooltip view.
 o isToolTipSource
Set to true if the View under the mouse pointer is an instance of IToolTipSource (for dynamic tooltip).
 o maxRows
Maximal number of text rows.
 o mouseEvent
Current MouseEvent.
 o reshowDelay
The delay within which a tooltip will be reshown at once if the mouse pointer exits and enters another tooltip view.
 o state
Current state.
Idle state (the mouse is not in any tooltip view).
The Mouse has entered a tooltip view and waiting for initialDelay timer.
The mouse has exited a tooltip view and waiting for reshowDelay timer.
The tooltip is dismissed but the mouse is still inside the tooltip view.
The tooltip is shown and waiting for dismissDelay timer.
 o table
Holds registered IToolTips.
 o timer
Delay timer.
Delay timer command.
 o toolTip
IToolTip to be displayed.
 o toolTipBackgroundColor
Default TextView background color.
 o toolTipBorder
Default tooltip border.
 o toolTipFont
Default TextView font.
 o toolTipForegroundColor
Default TextView foreground color.
 o toolTipView
Default TextView that displays tooltip text.
 o toolTipWindow
InternalWindow that displays tooltip.
 o toolTipWindowLayer
InternalWindow layer for the tooltip window.
 o toolTipWindowWidth
Default tooltip window width.
 o view
Current View under mouse pointer.
 o xOffset
X-offset from the mouse pointer for the tooltip window.
 o yOffset
Y-offset from the mouse pointer for the tooltip window.

Constructor Index

 o IToolTipManager()
Constructs an IToolTipManager.

Method Index

 o createToolTipView()
Creates a View for tooltip.
 o createToolTipWindow(View)
Creates an InternalWindow for tooltip using the given toolTipView.
 o getDismissDelay()
Returns the current dismiss delay in microseconds.
 o getInitialDelay()
Returns current initial delay in microseconds.
 o getReshowDelay()
Returns the reshow delay in microseconds.
 o getToolTip(View)
Returns the IToolTip registered for the view.
 o getToolTipText(IToolTip, MouseEvent)
Returns dynamic tooltip text for an IToolTipSource.
 o hideToolTip()
Hides the tooltip window.
 o isEnabled()
Returns true if this tooltip manager is enabled.
 o mouseEntered(View, MouseEvent)
Called when the mouse enters a tooltip view.
 o mouseExited(View, MouseEvent)
Called when the mouse exists a tooltip view.
 o mouseMoved(View, MouseEvent)
Called when the mouse is moved within a tooltip view.
 o performCommand(String, Object)
Overridden to handle timer events.
 o prepareToolTip(IToolTip)
Prepares tooltip to be shown.
 o registerToolTip(IToolTip)
Registers an IToolTip.
 o registerToolTip(View, String)
Registers a tooltip 'toolTipText' for a 'view'.
 o setDismissDelay(int)
Sets the dismiss delay in microseconds.
 o setEnabled(boolean)
Enables/disables this tooltip manager.
 o setInitialDelay(int)
Sets the initial delay in microseconds.
 o setReshowDelay(int)
Sets the reshow delay in microseconds.
 o showToolTip(IToolTip)
Shows the tooltip window.
 o startTimer(int)
Starts the delay timer.
 o stopTimer()
Stops the delay timer if running.
 o timerUp()
Called when the delay timer expires.
 o toolTipEntered(View, MouseEvent)
Called when the mouse enters a tooltip area of a view.
 o toolTipExited(View, MouseEvent)
Called when the mouse exits the tooltip area of the view.
 o unregisterToolTip(IToolTip)
Unregisters an IToolTip.
 o unregisterToolTip(View)
Unregisters tooltip for a view.
 o unregisterToolTipForDescendents(View)
Unregisters tooltips for all descendents of the given view (including the view itself).


 public static final String TIMER
Delay timer command.

 public static final int STATE_IDLE
Idle state (the mouse is not in any tooltip view).

 public static final int STATE_INITWAIT
The Mouse has entered a tooltip view and waiting for initialDelay timer.

 public static final int STATE_TIPSHOWN
The tooltip is shown and waiting for dismissDelay timer.

 public static final int STATE_TIPDISMISSED
The tooltip is dismissed but the mouse is still inside the tooltip view.

 public static final int STATE_RESHOWWAIT
The mouse has exited a tooltip view and waiting for reshowDelay timer.

 o table
 public Hashtable table
Holds registered IToolTips.

 o initialDelay
 public int initialDelay
The delay before which a tooltip will appear after the mouse enters a tooltip view.

 o dismissDelay
 public int dismissDelay
The delay before the current tooltip is dismissed if the mouse pointer does not move.

 o reshowDelay
 public int reshowDelay
The delay within which a tooltip will be reshown at once if the mouse pointer exits and enters another tooltip view.

 o enabled
 public boolean enabled
Set to true if this IToolTipManager is enabled.

 o timer
 public Timer timer
Delay timer.

 o isToolTipSource
 public boolean isToolTipSource
Set to true if the View under the mouse pointer is an instance of IToolTipSource (for dynamic tooltip).

 o state
 public int state
Current state.

 o toolTipWindow
 public InternalWindow toolTipWindow
InternalWindow that displays tooltip.

 o toolTipWindowLayer
 public int toolTipWindowLayer
InternalWindow layer for the tooltip window.

 o toolTipView
 public TextView toolTipView
Default TextView that displays tooltip text.

 o toolTipBackgroundColor
 public Color toolTipBackgroundColor
Default TextView background color.

 o toolTipForegroundColor
 public Color toolTipForegroundColor
Default TextView foreground color.

 o toolTipFont
 public Font toolTipFont
Default TextView font.

 o toolTipBorder
 public Border toolTipBorder
Default tooltip border.

 o xOffset
 public int xOffset
X-offset from the mouse pointer for the tooltip window.

 o yOffset
 public int yOffset
Y-offset from the mouse pointer for the tooltip window.

 o toolTipWindowWidth
 public int toolTipWindowWidth
Default tooltip window width.

 o maxRows
 public int maxRows
Maximal number of text rows. If the tooltip text exceeds this number of rows with the given toolTipWindowWidth, the window is expanded horizontally.

 o mouseEvent
 public MouseEvent mouseEvent
Current MouseEvent.

 o view
 public View view
Current View under mouse pointer.

 o toolTip
 public IToolTip toolTip
IToolTip to be displayed.


 o IToolTipManager
 public IToolTipManager()
Constructs an IToolTipManager.


 o registerToolTip
 public void registerToolTip(IToolTip toolTip)
Registers an IToolTip.

 o unregisterToolTip
 public void unregisterToolTip(IToolTip toolTip)
Unregisters an IToolTip.

 o registerToolTip
 public void registerToolTip(View view,
                             String toolTipText)
Registers a tooltip 'toolTipText' for a 'view'.

 o unregisterToolTip
 public void unregisterToolTip(View view)
Unregisters tooltip for a view.

 o unregisterToolTipForDescendents
 public void unregisterToolTipForDescendents(View view)
Unregisters tooltips for all descendents of the given view (including the view itself).

 o getToolTip
 public IToolTip getToolTip(View view)
Returns the IToolTip registered for the view. Returns null if there is no tooltip registered.

 o createToolTipView
 public View createToolTipView()
Creates a View for tooltip. The default implementation creates a TextView. This is called once on initialization.

 o createToolTipWindow
 public InternalWindow createToolTipWindow(View toolTipView)
Creates an InternalWindow for tooltip using the given toolTipView. This is called once on initialization. The tooltip window contains a ContainerView that holds toolTipView (created by createToolTipView()).

 o isEnabled
 public boolean isEnabled()
Returns true if this tooltip manager is enabled.

 o setEnabled
 public void setEnabled(boolean flag)
Enables/disables this tooltip manager.

 o setInitialDelay
 public void setInitialDelay(int microSeconds)
Sets the initial delay in microseconds. This is the delay before which a tooltip will appear after the mouse enters a tooltip view.

 o getInitialDelay
 public int getInitialDelay()
Returns current initial delay in microseconds.

 o setDismissDelay
 public void setDismissDelay(int microSeconds)
Sets the dismiss delay in microseconds. This is the time a tooltip stays visible if the mouse does not move.

 o getDismissDelay
 public int getDismissDelay()
Returns the current dismiss delay in microseconds.

 o setReshowDelay
 public void setReshowDelay(int microSeconds)
Sets the reshow delay in microseconds. This is the time within which a tooltip will be reshown immediately when the mouse re-enters a tooltip view.

 o getReshowDelay
 public int getReshowDelay()
Returns the reshow delay in microseconds.

 o prepareToolTip
 public void prepareToolTip(IToolTip toolTip)
Prepares tooltip to be shown.

 o showToolTip
 public void showToolTip(IToolTip toolTip)
Shows the tooltip window.

 o hideToolTip
 public void hideToolTip()
Hides the tooltip window.

 o getToolTipText
 public String getToolTipText(IToolTip toolTip,
                              MouseEvent event)
Returns dynamic tooltip text for an IToolTipSource.

 o startTimer
 public void startTimer(int delay)
Starts the delay timer.

 o stopTimer
 public void stopTimer()
Stops the delay timer if running.

 o toolTipEntered
 public void toolTipEntered(View view,
                            MouseEvent event)
Called when the mouse enters a tooltip area of a view.

 o toolTipExited
 public void toolTipExited(View view,
                           MouseEvent event)
Called when the mouse exits the tooltip area of the view.

 o mouseEntered
 public void mouseEntered(View view,
                          MouseEvent event)
Called when the mouse enters a tooltip view.

 o mouseExited
 public void mouseExited(View view,
                         MouseEvent event)
Called when the mouse exists a tooltip view.

 o mouseMoved
 public void mouseMoved(View view,
                        MouseEvent event)
Called when the mouse is moved within a tooltip view.

 o timerUp
 public void timerUp()
Called when the delay timer expires.

 o performCommand
 public void performCommand(String command,
                            Object object)
Overridden to handle timer events.

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