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Class com.micronova.mnfc.IGridView


public class IGridView
extends View
implements LayoutManager, Target
IGridView is a scrollable grid control with 9 panes. The grid displayed is defined by the IGridDef object.

IGridView consists of 9 panes; TOPLEFT (fixed size) TOPCENTER (horizontally scrollable, fixed height), TOPRIGHT (fixed size), MIDDLELEFT (vertically scrollable, fixed width), MIDDLECENTER (vertically and horizontally scrollable), MIDDLERIGHT (vertically scrollable, fixed width), BOTOTMLEFT (fixed size), BOTTOMCENTER (horizontally scrollable, fixed height), BOTTOMRIGHT (fixed size). A common Border separates the panes (default is BezelBorder.groovedBezel()).

Makoto Nagata, MicroNova

Variable Index

Pane index for the bottom-center pane.
Pane index for the bottom-left pane.
 o bottomMargin
Height of the bottom pane (determined by teh BOTTOMRIGHT pane).
Pane index for the bottom-right pane.
 o containerViewArray
Holds ContainerViews for each pane.
 o hasHorizScrollBar
Set to true if horizontal scroll bar is visible.
 o hasVertScrollBar
Set to true if vertical scroll bar is visible.
 o horizScrollBar
Horizontal scroll bar.
 o iGridPaneArray
Holds IGridPanes for each pane.
 o leftMargin
Width of the left pane (determined by the TOPLEFT pane).
Pane index for the middle-center pane.
Pane index for the middle-left pane.
Pane index for the middle-right pane.
 o paneBorder
Pane border.
 o paneBorderHeight
 o paneBorderWidth
 o rightMargin
Width of the right pane (determined by the BOTTOMRIGHT pane).
 o scrollBarSize
Scroll Bar size.
 o scrollViewArray
Holds ScrollViews for each pane.
Pane index for the top-center pane.
Pane index for the top-left pane.
 o topMargin
Height of the top pane (determined by the TOPLEFT pane).
Pane index for the top-right pane.
 o vertScrollBar
Vertical scroll bar.
 o viewHeight
ContainerView height for each pane.
 o viewWidth
ContainerView width for each pane.
 o viewX
ContainerView boundaries in X direction.
 o viewY
ContainerView boundaries in Y direction.

Constructor Index

 o IGridView()
Creates an IGridView without any IGridDef.
 o IGridView(IGridDef)
Creates an IGridView with a given IGridDef.

Method Index

 o addSubview(View)
 o computeLayout()
Computes layout.
 o computePaneBorderMargin()
Computes pane border margins.
 o computeStandardPaneSubGrid(IGridDef, int, int, int, int, int, Rect)
Allocates the panes as follows (L=leftMargin, R=rightMargin, T=topMargin, B=bottomMargin, X=XCount, Y=YCount):

 o createContainerView(int)
Creates ContainerView for the given pane index.
 o createIGridPane(int)
Creates IGridPane for the given pane index.
 o createScrollView(int)
Creates ScrollView for the given pane index.
 o extendSubGrid(Rect)
Extends a subGrid to contain all the extended subcells.
 o layoutView(View, int, int)
 o performCommand(String, Object)
Handles multi-pane scrolling.
 o removeSubview(View)
 o scrollCellToVisible(Point)
Scrolls the main view to show the cell at the index.
 o setIGridDef(IGridDef)
Sets IGridDef object.
 o setPaneBorder(Border)
Sets pane border.
 o sizeToIGridSize()
Resizes this window so that the whole grid is displayed (without scrolling).
 o updateCells(Rect)
Updates cells in subGrid (in all panes).
 o updateCellsNow(Rect)
Updates cells in subGrid (in all panes) immediately.


 public static final int TOPLEFT
Pane index for the top-left pane.

 public static final int TOPCENTER
Pane index for the top-center pane.

 public static final int TOPRIGHT
Pane index for the top-right pane.

 public static final int MIDDLELEFT
Pane index for the middle-left pane.

 public static final int MIDDLECENTER
Pane index for the middle-center pane.

 public static final int MIDDLERIGHT
Pane index for the middle-right pane.

 public static final int BOTTOMLEFT
Pane index for the bottom-left pane.

 public static final int BOTTOMCENTER
Pane index for the bottom-center pane.

 public static final int BOTTOMRIGHT
Pane index for the bottom-right pane.

 o iGridPaneArray
 public final IGridPane iGridPaneArray[]
Holds IGridPanes for each pane. Each IGridPane is a subview of ScrollView which in turn in a subview of ContainerView.

 o scrollViewArray
 public final ScrollView scrollViewArray[]
Holds ScrollViews for each pane.

 o containerViewArray
 public final ContainerView containerViewArray[]
Holds ContainerViews for each pane.

 o horizScrollBar
 public ScrollBar horizScrollBar
Horizontal scroll bar.

 o vertScrollBar
 public ScrollBar vertScrollBar
Vertical scroll bar.

 o paneBorder
 public Border paneBorder
Pane border. Default is BezelBorder.groovedBezel().

 o paneBorderWidth
 public int paneBorderWidth

 o paneBorderHeight
 public int paneBorderHeight

 o leftMargin
 public int leftMargin
Width of the left pane (determined by the TOPLEFT pane).

 o rightMargin
 public int rightMargin
Width of the right pane (determined by the BOTTOMRIGHT pane).

 o topMargin
 public int topMargin
Height of the top pane (determined by the TOPLEFT pane).

 o bottomMargin
 public int bottomMargin
Height of the bottom pane (determined by teh BOTTOMRIGHT pane).

 o viewX
 public final int viewX[]
ContainerView boundaries in X direction.

 o viewY
 public final int viewY[]
ContainerView boundaries in Y direction.

 o viewWidth
 public final int viewWidth[]
ContainerView width for each pane.

 o viewHeight
 public final int viewHeight[]
ContainerView height for each pane.

 o hasHorizScrollBar
 public boolean hasHorizScrollBar
Set to true if horizontal scroll bar is visible.

 o hasVertScrollBar
 public boolean hasVertScrollBar
Set to true if vertical scroll bar is visible.

 o scrollBarSize
 public int scrollBarSize
Scroll Bar size.


 o IGridView
 public IGridView(IGridDef iGridDef)
Creates an IGridView with a given IGridDef.

 o IGridView
 public IGridView()
Creates an IGridView without any IGridDef.


 o createIGridPane
 public IGridPane createIGridPane(int paneIndex)
Creates IGridPane for the given pane index. Override this to use customized IGridPanes.

 o createContainerView
 public ContainerView createContainerView(int paneIndex)
Creates ContainerView for the given pane index. Override this to use customized ContainerViews.

 o createScrollView
 public ScrollView createScrollView(int paneIndex)
Creates ScrollView for the given pane index. Override this to use customized ScrollViews.

 o setIGridDef
 public void setIGridDef(IGridDef iGridDef)
Sets IGridDef object. All the subviews (panes, scroll bars) are created here.

 o setPaneBorder
 public void setPaneBorder(Border paneBorder)
Sets pane border.

 o computePaneBorderMargin
 public void computePaneBorderMargin()
Computes pane border margins.

 o computeLayout
 public void computeLayout()
Computes layout.

 o addSubview
 public void addSubview(View aView)
addSubview in class View
 o removeSubview
 public void removeSubview(View aView)
removeSubview in class View
 o layoutView
 public void layoutView(View aView,
                        int deltaWidth,
                        int deltaHeight)
 o updateCells
 public void updateCells(Rect subGrid)
Updates cells in subGrid (in all panes).

 o updateCellsNow
 public void updateCellsNow(Rect subGrid)
Updates cells in subGrid (in all panes) immediately.

 o extendSubGrid
 public void extendSubGrid(Rect subGrid)
Extends a subGrid to contain all the extended subcells.

 o computeStandardPaneSubGrid
 public static Rect computeStandardPaneSubGrid(IGridDef iGridDef,
                                               int paneIndex,
                                               int leftMargin,
                                               int rightMargin,
                                               int topMargin,
                                               int bottomMargin,
                                               Rect paneRect)
Allocates the panes as follows (L=leftMargin, R=rightMargin, T=topMargin, B=bottomMargin, X=XCount, Y=YCount):

 o scrollCellToVisible
 public void scrollCellToVisible(Point index)
Scrolls the main view to show the cell at the index.

 o sizeToIGridSize
 public void sizeToIGridSize()
Resizes this window so that the whole grid is displayed (without scrolling).

 o performCommand
 public void performCommand(String command,
                            Object object)
Handles multi-pane scrolling.

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